Welcome to the Cyberpunk-themed World: Key Features of Project Hive’s Metaverse

Project Hive
3 min readApr 29, 2022


Let’s talk about worlds within worlds. We at Project Hive have envisioned an expansive, neon-drenched, cyberpunk metaverse for our players to immerse themselves in. We want to welcome you to the cyberpunk-themed world, and share with you some key features of the Project Hive Metaverse.

We will start with the graphic design. As you probably know by now, our Art Director, Marcin Rubinkowski, has set the tone for this high-tech dystopia with his fantastic avatar and environmental designs for Project Hive. Drawing from his extensive experience as a graphic designer for AAA videogame titles and hit series, he has brought to life our grim vision for a future dominated by, competition, crypto, and thrills. Of course, all of the in-game items designed by Marcin are NFTs, giving the player complete ownership and control over their assets. You can get a preview of the avatar designs and items on the interactive Project Hive website.

Players will have ultimate control over their high-quality 3D assets. By making all in-game items NFTs, we enable the player to trade, buy and sell items to their heart’s content. But we also take it to the next level through our crafting and merging mechanics, allowing players to craft and merge assets to create new types of items with new attributes. Artists can even graft skins onto items and get remunerated for their work.

The key building blocks of Project Hive’s world are cells. Cells are small electronic devices that allow users to create a personal in-game sub-dimension. In the cell, they can build their own private piece of the world. This piece of virtual real estate is owned by the player and can be used to generate passive income.

Our Clan War system is the pinnacle of power and freedom. It allows players to team up with their friends and challenge corporations over control of the cells. Once acquired, the cell can be used to generate income via outside staking pools which don’t affect the in-game inflation.

The battle over cells takes the form of large-scale player versus player (PvP) combat, incentivizing players to join clans. But the landscape of Project Hive also includes Play to Earn and Win to Earn mechanics that reward the player with in-game currency for completing daily tasks and beating other players. The game also contains a Player versus Environment (PvE) storyline which pitches the player against the computer to uncover the secrets of Project Hive.

Through our top-notch graphic design, endless NFT possibilities, multiple game modes, clan systems, and cell mechanics, we have created an expansive and immersive game experience that outshines any other existing or upcoming project in the blockchain gaming space. It has been a pleasure sharing it with you, and we know you can not wait to dive in! Make sure to pick up the necessary starter packs and get in on the ground floor. Remember: the one who controls the cells, rules the hive. See you there, Space Cowboy.



Project Hive

Play-to-Earn PvP oriented turn-based game with a clan system, high-quality NFT items and PvE content.